Sunday, April 6, 2014

Whole30 SWYPO Recipe // Banana Coconut Pancakes with Blueberry Lemon Coconut Cream Sauce

Whole30 calls these kind of recipes "sex with your pants on" aka #swypo - basically all ingredients are Whole30 compliant but together they make something so sweet and a little overindulgent you probably shouldn't eat much, it's LDS conference weekend though and we eat good food! I'm staying strong and turned down the homemade cinnamon rolls and made this instead! 


Banana coconut pancakes (3 eggs, 1 ripe banana, 1/4 c coconut flour mixed together with a fork and cooked in pancake shape, stove top over medium heat with coconut oil).

Blueberry lemon coconut cream sauce (blend 1/2 c blueberries, 1/2 c coconut milk, juice from one lemon blended all up together).

Top with fresh bananas and blueberries.

1 comment:

  1. That looks amazing! I'm on day 28 and I'm doing this on day 31! So, I've been on whole 30 and have been taking the sacrament without even thinking about it. And it dawned on me, hey...this is bread. A huge no no on whole 30. But I think the gospel supersedes a diet any day.
